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Tara Finnigan
Holistic Energy Practitioner

Committed to Growth - Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually

Tara Finnigan
Holistic Energy Practitioner

My Journey

My journey into holistic living began when my first child was born.  My daughter Mackenzi cried non stop for the first three months of her life.  It was one of the lowest times of my life.  No sleep, no solutions and feeling like no one understood (For those of you who are living their Human Design Experiment - I am a Manifestor, so you can just imagine the internal struggles!).

I had been a teacher for 7 years in a system that I felt was completely broken...pushing curriculum on students who were barely functioning as their emotions and trauma's were pushed to the side.  Teachers hanging on and waiting for retirement, while their passion for teaching had long surpassed this time frame (if it was ever there at all).  It's funny what benefits and a killer pension will make you do.
Back to my journey, I ended up going back to school for Holistic Nutrition when our allopathic (main stream) medical system failed my daughter and I.  It was during my Nutrition Course that I found BioEnergetics and started on my spiritual growth journey (I mean, let's be honest, this starts the moment we arrive here on earth, however for me, this is when my awareness truly began).

I started making connections between emotional and physical ailments and the importance of wholesome foods in our diet.  This then led to the opening of Local Organics Health Food & Wellness Centre (with my amazing business partner Cara Wicke) which had an amazing run of 10 years.  I loved supporting customers on their physical healing journey and gently guiding them to open up to their spiritual journey.  As time passed, I began to dive into energy healing and all things connected to vibration and frequency.  That's when I knew it was time to let the store go and to move into the next part of my journey.

In my experience, once you open your awareness to the energetic connectedness of absolutely EVERYTHING in this world, there is no going back!  I began to reconnect with the modality of Reiki and Access Consciousness Bars...started making regular energy healing sessions part of my bi-weekly/Monthly routine and then had Unity Field Healing cross my path, while dabbling in German New Medicine thanks to a healing journey with my father.  When I reflect on my journey, I am so grateful for all of the lessons and experiences I have been able to grow from and that takes me to the present time, where I am so excited to share my gifts, insights and teachings with anyone who is guided to connect with me!



Here To Support All Aspects of Your Journey


BioEnergetics (a.k.a BIE), is a non-invasive technology that serves to identify specific stressors that the body cannot recognize and therefore aggravate the body. The GSR-120 modality is used to help normalize your body to the stressors, thus alleviating the body of symptoms.  If you are plagued with any of the following symptoms, then BIE is a great place to start to support your body in coming into balance!

Unity Field Healing (UFH)

Unity Field Healing (UFH) is an evolutionary energy program that is designed to support healing and bio-spiritual transformation through the axis of your Quantum or Spiritual DNA.  Many clients share benefits of reduced anxiety, improved mood, increased mental clarity and feelings of being grounded.

Tara Continues to Offer High Quality Supplements to her Clients

Human Design Reader

Human Design combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, Vedic philosophy and modern physics, centering around the division of personalities into four energy types that indicate how someone can more harmoniously interact with the world, called Strategy.

Human Design speaks to our true essence and shows us how we can live our life accordingly. This essentially means living life as our most authentic self. Human Design helps us understand what sets us apart from others by way of increased clarity on our everyday decisions.


Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki practitioner uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy (what's known in Reiki as life force energy) through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing.  

Access Consciousness Bars

Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use.  Access Bars are 32 points on your head that when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations that can stop you from creating a life you love!


Available Appointment Hours

Mon - Wed: 9:15am - 1pm
Thurs: Open by appointment
Fri - Sun: Closed

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