Halloween is done for another year…I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Halloween, as I hate the amount of candy that comes into our house, however last night I loved seeing all the children and hearing the laughter and seeing the smiles on their faces. I also loved seeing the smiles and joy on the faces of the adults handing out the candy…they loved the conversations and the contact with their community…something that everyone is deserving of on a daily basis, but that only seems to happen here and there. (This is the community piece that I have a strong desire to elevate.)
Now back to the health aspect…For me personally, I have a sweet tooth…and I have had many battles with it over the years. Candida (overgrowth of yeast that makes you crave carbs and sugars) is something that because of my sweet tooth sneaks in and out of my health story. Now that I have an awareness of Candida, I can feel it gaining strength and know that my body is queuing me to get a grip on things.
Unfortunately, having a sweet tooth doesn’t just affect my teeth, it affects my hormones/adrenals as well…and I have been just learning and working to support my hormones and adrenals over the past few years. This is no simple task in today’s world!
Back to Halloween - I really wish we could experience the joy and fun that myself and the children experienced last night without the toxic candy. And I truly mean toxic…ever since my daughter Mackenzi was born, I have been deep diving into everything that I put in, on and around my body. It drives my kids bonkers some days, however once you know, you know and can’t unlearn this stuff!
Mackenzi and Kieran and I were lucky to be able to take in a visit with their Great Grandma Dilys (98 years old) yesterday and that was the best gift of the day for me, well actually, I had two amazing gifts yesterday, as I also got to chat with two of my favourite people while out Halloweening with the kids and they gave me a picture of my parents in their younger years. What a gift to have these people in our lives! 💕. My children are truly blessed to have such resilient elders in their life, as am I. ❤️
How was everyone else’s Halloween?!